I’m not used to dealing with a cat as a colleague. Felines are finicky and easily spoiled.
Nevertheless, after our cat Millie hacked my website account and wrote an article from her perspective, I needed to find out why.
An article I read on an Internet website remained open on my browser. Appearing on Vox Media’s site, the story reported cats were selfish, unemotional and environmentally destructive. I don’t know why I didn’t close the browser immediately after reading it, but I realized the cat was out of the bag, so to speak. (You can read the case against owning cats by clicking here.)
Last night, I had a conversation with Millie to try and dislodge any grievances she had. But all she did was put on a blank, innocent expression, and I swear she looked absolutely smug and content. I even brought up the subject of her litterbox, but she would not say a word.
I changed the password to my website to something more complex, and it appears secure. I still worry about her, though, and I don’t sleep as well at night. This morning, I found a note, “Never let sleeping dogs lie.”
I know in the future to be wary and do no harm in her knowing eyes. It’s bad enough having a conscience. Now I have a cat.