On Monday, June 8, Alice McCormick, who has aphasia, visited Knowledge Universe’s Evergreen Road location in Hillsboro to entertain what she was told would be an offer to resume work. Instead, she learned no further work is being offered by the corporate parent until she completes a job application on its website and submits a resumé.
In other words, because her longevity there is less than one year, Alice’s status is that of a new job applicant. With her current inability to speak and write fluently as she continues to recover from a stroke, neither of us are optimistic about her future at KinderCare.
Since medical bills are overdue, and there is a pressing need to keep our heads above water, we started a gofundme drive earlier today. Here’s a link.
I sincerely wish there was a better way to move forward, but we appear out of options. I will continue to write and post more items on this website.
Hi Mason, I would ask the hospital to assist with writing off a portion of the bill. Hospitals write off a certain amount every year and there’s no reason why you and Alice would not qualify. It’s usually income based and since she is no longer working, she should qualify.
She may actually qualify for SSDI (Social Security Disability) since she’s had her stroke and now has aphasia.
Best of luck through this rough spot.