Above: On the wall behind me is an artist’s impression of a pianist tickling the ivories next to a photo of my father performing in a big band during the 1940s. I once played Mozart for Louis Armstrong.
Once upon a time, I rushed to create new posts each week on this website to increase the number of visitors it receives. The idea was to create anticipation for the book everyone is waiting for.
Well, last week some stupid shit hit the fan, and I’ve been spending a good amount of time and effort wiping it off my psyche. This spurred the realization that each consequential distraction interrupts the focused madness necessary to writing a complete book.
(You can anticipate what’s coming next, right?
Well, congratulations.) This website is going on hiatus for a little while.
Don’t be sad. If you want a further taste of who I am, peruse this website. A tribute to Danawa Buchanan can be found, a cross-country journey with a CHECK ENGINE light may humor you, and how my immigrant father emigrated here cum laude after arriving 101 years ago should comfort subsequent immigrants.
I’ll see you on the flip side!
I hope the joy of writing moves you as needed and the weirdos and over sensitive people in the world aren’t a source of discouragement for you. Never let anyone silence your brilliance. Sometimes I’m not everyone’s cup of tea but the ones who who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. Keep your head held high and remember stay true to your awesome self my brother!
Hello Mason, you know me. No matter what, you always have my best wishes.