Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mesquito Grille secures the bill

A big shout-out to the folks at Mesquito Grille in Doylestown, PA.

After strolling around the Doylestown at Dusk car show Saturday, 7/19, I ambled into the Mesquito Grille’s bar for some blackened catfish, grilled veggies, some rice and crab bisque, and, oh yes, 18 ounces of Goose Island’s Matilda Belgian style pale ale.

While chowing down, we got in some good people-watching, so good, in fact, that I absentmindedly left my credit card behind in the bartender’s checkbook.

Not to worry. He’s a young, upstanding Doylestonian, assisted by watchful management that held onto my card until I called them this morning.

Did I mention the food is good, too?

Welcome to is dead.  This website is its successor.

My obituary for Danawa is the lead item in this blog.  As soon as it appears in the Bucks County Herald, the story will exist on a page of its own.

More stories and article to follow.  Check the top of this website where it says, “About me.”  That’s a separate page.

Enjoy looking around.