Three weeks ago, Alice fulfilled her prophecy and adopted another cat. She included me in the adoption process to represent our eight-year union as worthy of the necessary commitment to make an addition to our family.
The photo above praises Chloe, whose name was gifted by the Longview Humane Society.
Isn’t she gorgeous? Chloe immediately bonded with each of us separately and together. However, Chloe’s litterbox training is still a challenge to Alice’s persistent, watchful eye.

We don’t know how old Chloe is, because her physical being is stunted by time spent in the untamed areas of Washington where she incurred a pregnancy and gave birth to an unknown number of kittens. After the Humane Society received her into its protective custody, she was spayed, and treated for worms and other native, tiny varmints.
During her time in the wild, Chloe must have known terror; nevertheless, she appears to be a loving animal. I discovered this when she first rubbed up to me. Once feeling my caress, she lay down, purred almost desperately and invited me to rub her tummy.

Whenever I’m away, Alice now has a companion to call her own, and any jealousy I might feel about their kinship is quickly erased as Chloe cuddles up to me when we retire for the night.
Hello, Chloe!

She’s gorgeous! Congratulations!
I must correct you. You didn’t make an addition to your family. Chloe made an addition to her family. We never own cats. Catss own us. But they want us to believe we add them to our family.
Aww….a winner all around❣️
Love yinz?
Looking very laid back, no doubt the cat helps.
Every home needs a Chloe! Good decision.
Much love.
We miss you.
She’s gorgeous. Congratulations, Pop!