Look at this guy. The protest sign he displayed in Longview, Washington’s busy intersection suggests the stance of a one-time Trump supporter. Without anyone protecting him, his act of singular courage gives me comfort.
Maybe his daring deed will give you comfort too.
More of TFG’s supporters need to grow up and face facts. They are doing a grave disservice to our nation by normalizing that slob’s activities.
What catches my eye is the price of Coors Light. I think the guy deserves a few cold ones.
Does he belong to the LGBTQXYZ tribe?
The main purpose of the many purges and public trials that took place in the Soviet Union in the 1930s was to eliminate opposition to Joseph Stalin and his government. People who hate Donald Trump yesterday, today and tomorrow can’t or won’t see the comparison. Some people who despise Trump have been more then nervous about turning the justice department loose on the opposition. Our enemies around the world see this ad view it as a weakness.